Los Angeles, CA

Mike Soens first put his hands on clay in 2011. Diving deep into the medium, he quickly learned that ceramics has transformative properties. Much like an ocean swim, it centers. In his experience, ceramics also cultivates the ability to let go of mistakes, perfection and the emotions that arise from failing to meet ones own expectations. Lessons of the craft, and more importantly, life itself, that are taught every time he steps up to the wheel. 

Mike’s approach is inspired by a cross section of traditional forms and finishes found in Korean, Japanese and South American pottery. He continuously explores techniques the earliest humans utilized when working with clay and raw earth materials. Marrying this approach with a sense of discovery, his work can often draw a line from the past into the present, forever curious where the medium will take him.

Although we do our best to have minimal impact on the environment through the process (recycling clay and water, reusing packing materials etc), we acknowledge the earth provides the majority of resources needed for our craft. In an effort to further offset our impact, 1% of sales will be donated to the Stripe Climate initiative. For more information on where these funds are allocated, click the icon below.